Judgement Day 2024 – Q&A
When and where will Judgement Day take place in 2024?
Judgement Day 2024 will take place at Cardi City Stadium on Saturday 1
June 2024. It will be a
double-header event with the BKT United Rugby Championship Round 18 matches between Scarlets
v Dragons (15.00) and Cardi Rugby v Ospreys (17.15)
Why has the event moved from the Principality Stadium?
The stadium is not available on the date we have agreed upon for Judgement Day this year due to
pre-exisng commitments around hosng major music events, but we do intend that this event will
return to Principality Stadium in future. The stadium is one of the most versale, accessible and
popular venues in Europe and aracts world class sporng and non-sporng events to Wales. It can
accommodate a wide range of major events all which help support all levels of the sport in Wales.
Why couldn’t the URC xture list change to accommodate Judgement Day at the Principality
Finalising the URC xture list is highly complex with mulple factors around travel, internaonal
matches, broadcast requirements, European xtures, tradional Christmas and New Year dates,
sporng integrity consideraons and individual club requests to be taken into account. For the 2023-
24 season there is the added factor of the Rugby World Cup in France which means a later start and
nish to the BKT United Rugby Championship compeon.
With the quarter-nal playos commencing on Friday 7
June the travel on Round 18 is minimised.
Matches are staged between the four Welsh clubs, with the Irish provinces, South African teams and
Scosh/Italian sides all playing each other. Just moving the Welsh xtures on Round 18 to an earlier
slot in the season is also not possible as it would mean mulple other matches would need to be
moved or a complete xture re-dra needed.
What other opons were considered for Judgement Day for the 2023-24 season?
With it being both Cardi and Scarlets’ turn to be the home clubs for Judgement Day the only other
date where this happens for derby xtures was Round 8 - Boxing Day (26
December) 2023. With
this being a popular and well aended tradional xture date for Welsh clubs, the lack of travel
opons and increased sta costs on this date, it was unanimously decided that these xtures remain
at the Arms Park and Parc Y Scarlets.
A ’Judgement Day’ type double-header event featuring Cardi and Scarlets versus non-Welsh
opponents was discussed, but not deemed feasible. What makes Judgement Day special and popular,
is that it involves all four Welsh clubs. The fan-bases of all four clubs aending is important, and the
all-Welsh line up aracts lots of event-goers and dierent kinds of rugby supporters to the event.
Could the two matches not just be played at the Arms Park and Parc Y Scarlets?
This opon was also discussed but again was not deemed preferable. Judgement Day has become
one of the biggest events in the URC calendar and all the clubs felt it was important for it to remain
in the xture list. Ospreys and Dragons gave up a home stadium advantage in 2023 to re-establish
Judgement Day back in the calendar, aer a three-year hiatus due to COVID-19. This was done on the
understanding that Cardi and Scarlets would reciprocate in 2024.
There are also URC broadcast contract requirements to deliver a double-header event at one venue
and a two stadia model would not full this.
The combined capacity of both stadia is just short of 27,000. This is over 14,000 less than the 41,139
who aended Judgement Day in 2023. Cardi City Stadium can accommodate over 6,000 more
supporters than the two venues combined with its capacity of 33,280.
Why was the Cardi City Stadium chosen to host Judgement Day next season?
The clubs wanted to keep the event in South Wales for a number of reasons. It keeps travel me for
the four fanbases to a minimum and meets the requirements of sponsors, corporate guests,
broadcasters and the media. With supporters expecng Judgement Day to be in the capital city,
Cardi City Stadium is the obvious choice.
The venue is the second largest sporng venue in Wales aer Principality Stadium. It has hosted
mulple rugby events since opening in 2009 and was due to stage the 2020 URC Final unl the
COVID-19 pandemic intervened. The stadium is city centre based allowing mulple supporter travel
opons, has excellent supporter and hospitality facilies and an experienced team to assist in the
event planning and delivery.
Why do the WRU stage non-rugby events that can impact rugby matches?
Principality Stadium is the largest closed roof venue in the UK and one of the biggest in the world. Its
outstanding track record of delivering world class events and city centre locaon mean it is in high
demand from promoters and event owners. All of the events staged at Principality Stadium deliver
signicant revenues to the WRU, and therefore to Welsh rugby, and a wider posive economic
impact to Cardi and the surrounding region.
The income generated by the WRU is re-invested back into the sport at all levels across Wales. The
four clubs are direct and signicant beneciaries of this revenue re-distribuon.
The WRU ensures that rugby sll remains the largest content staged at the stadium. When you add
together senior internaonal matches and games played as part of the Road to Principality series -
women’s and girls matches, community rugby nals and schools games which all take place at
Principality Stadium - the 2022-23 season saw almost 40 rugby games staged at the venue.
Why is a double-header event like Judgement Day important?
Judgement Day is very important to all four clubs and other partners. It provides signicant
commercial revenue to the clubs, at a me of year where derbies have not tradionally sold-out at
home venues, and has further growth potenal as a brand and event in its own right.
For the clubs it also means addional media aenon on the URC season, it’s the biggest crowd they
will play in front of all year and aracts a more diverse demographic and new audiences, which is
crucial to the future of the game.
It is a highlight for the players and allows the clubs to showcase the outstanding community work
they undertake. Broadcasters and the league (URC) value the event enormously as it provides a focal
point to the season with increased media coverage and TV viewers.
What will the 2024 event involve?
Two great Welsh derbies, a big event experience and a celebraon of rugby at all levels with pre-
match community fesvals taking place. With a capacity of just over 33,000 a sell-out is being
targeted. A full music and entertainment package is being planned which should provide for a great
When will ckets go on sale and what price will they be?
Tickets will be priced at the same level as 2023 with adults priced at £25 and £35, concessions (Over
65s) at £15/£25 and Under 16s at £10/£15. Tickets will go on-sale from Cardi City Stadium on
Tuesday 5 December.
Season cket holders of the two ‘home’ clubs – Cardi and Scarlets – will receive a free cket as part
of their season cket package. The clubs will contact their season cket holders with details of how
these will be distributed and how they can purchase addional ckets for family and friends.
Are accessible ckets available?
Yes there are a number of accessible seang opons at Cardi City Stadium. All queries should go via
the stadium – 033 33 11 1920 and ckets@cardicityfc.co.uk
Is hospitality available at Judgement Day?
Packages will be announced imminently and will be available via the two home clubs – Cardi Rugby
and Scarlets. Seasonal hospitality guests of the two home clubs will have Judgement Day included as
part of their seasonal package. They will be contacted by the commercial team of their respecve
club with full details in due course.
Will Judgement Day be around from 2025 onwards?
Yes it is intended that the event will revert back to Principality Stadium, staged during the tradional
March/April window, post Six Naons. Negoaons are already underway with the BKT United Rugby
Championship around the best date for the clubs, venue and the league. Work has already
commenced on how the event can grow to a sell out over me with the sports presentaon, fan
experience, community involvement, entertainment, and aracng new potenal supporters all
under review.